4 Data Logs
28 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
➀ Intended for advanced users of GPS only.
Table 4-2 GPSCard Log Summary
Table 4-1 Logs By Function Table (continued)
Logs Descriptions
BSLA/B Most recent matched baseline expressed in ECEF coords.
CLKA/B Receiver clock offset information
REPA/B Raw ephemeris information
RGEA/B/D Satellite and ranging information
SATA/B Satellite specific information
SVDA/B SV position in ECEF XYZ with corrections
Logs Descriptions
CLKA/B Receiver clock offset information
CLMA/B ➀ Current clock-model matrices of the GPSCard
GPZDA NMEA, UTC time and date
GPZTG NMEA, UTC and time to waypoint
MKTA/B Time of mark input
TM1A/B Time of 1PPS
Syntax: log port,datatype,[trigger],[period],[offset],{hold}
NovAtel Format Logs
Datatype Description Datatype Description
ALMA/B Decoded Almanac RALA/B Raw Almanac
BSLA/B Baseline Measurement RASA/B Raw GPS Almanac Set
CDSA/B Communication and Differential Decode Status RCCA Receiver Configuration
CLKA/B Receiver Clock Offset Data REPA/B Raw Ephemeris
CLMA/B Receiver Clock Model RGEA/B/D Channel Range Measurements
COM1A/B Log data from COM1 RPSA/B Reference Station Position and Health
COM2A/B Log data from COM2 RTCAA/B RTCA format Differential Corrections with NovAtel
DOPA/B Dilution of Precision RTKA/B Computed Position - Time Matched
ETSA/B Extended Tracking Status RTKOA/B RTK Solution Parameters
GGAB Global Position System Fix Data - Binary Format RTCMA/B RTCM Type 1 Differential Corrections with NovAtel
MKPA/B Mark Position RTCM16T Special Message
MKTA/B Time of Mark Input RVSA/B Receiver Status
NAVA/B Navigation Data SATA/B Satellite Specific Data
PAVA/B Positioning Averaging Status SPHA/B Speed and Direction Over Ground
POSA/B Computed Position SVDA/B SV Position in ECEF XYZ Coordinates with
PRTKA/B Computed Position TM1A/B Time of 1PPS
PVAA/B XYZ Position, Velocity and Acceleration VERA/B Receiver Hardware and Software Version Numbers
PXYA/B Computed Cartesian Coordinate Position VLHA/B Velocity, Latency, and Direction over Ground