
CE-05171N page 42 of 44
8.0 Glossary
AAnnaalloogg IInnppuutt
Terminals A18 to A29 are analog inputs on the C3-1 Centurion main I/O module. Accepts
voltage signals within the range of (0 to 5) VDC or (4 to 20) mA and are compared to con-
troller set points or events.
BBoooott llooaaddeerr
Means by which the Centurion controller communicates with C3-3 Display and MConfigPro
to receive and transfer new or updated configurations and firmware; and ensure data and
configuration synchronization.
CCoonnttrroolllleerr SSeett ppooiinnttss
User defines normal operating range for the controller to optimize the equipment. Set
points can also define some other threshold, exception or event that may require action.
Multiple set points are often applied to a process and they may be manipulated as needed
to meet changing conditions.
DDeeaadd bbaanndd
The user set range at which input may fluctuate without the controller taking any action.
The range may be fixed or variable.
DDiiggiittaall IInnppuutt
Terminals 30 to 61 are the digital input channels. User selects whether digital input is nor-
mally open (N/O), or normally closed (N/C). Users may also associate these inputs with
transition times for indicating no-flow conditions on divider blocks.
Defines the action required by the controller in response to any number of parameters.
Event actions range from simple alarm message to emergency shutdown (ESD).
MMaaggnneettiicc PPi
icckk UUpp
Terminals 64 to 65 are for magnetic pick up.
Maximum of engineering applied scale to the Offset and Span.
Minimum of engineering applied scale to the Offset and Span.
Designed to protect against compressor or engine failures, the controller monitors the cycle
time of lubrication system cycles and if that cycle time falls under a user assigned value, the
controller will activate a defined associated action.
User defined value to correct for known variance in the raw data.
PPaanneell RReeaaddyy
In States, the first logical step in start up.
A process condition, (Digital Input or Analog Set point), that must be met in order for the
engine to start.
An electrical quantity of voltage or current that is used to represent or signify some other
physical quantity.
The difference between the full scale output and the offset as raw data.
SSttaarrtt DDeellaayy
A time delay function to prevent premature start up.
Predefined parameter of logical steps needed to successfully start and maintain an engine.
TTeerrmmiinnaall EEmmuullaattoorr
Allows a user to modify the firmware to allow upload or download of a record to either the C3-3
display or the controller. Always download a configuration after a firmware change.
A device for measuring temperature consisting of two dissimilar metals of high purity for an
accurate temperature/voltage relationship. User defines whether the calibration is J or K.
Terminals 1 to 17 are for thermocouple inputs.