TTD-98055N page 10 of 44
3.2.2 Thermocouple Inputs (TC)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 88
Device Types: Thermocouple Input, Type J or K, 12 bit hardware
Open Thermocouple Detection: Drives channel reading high (max of scale).
There are two screw terminal connectors for each thermocouple input.
Terminals 109 to 124 are TC channels where White or Yellow indicate positive inputs and Red indicates negative inputs.
An additional terminal connector is provided, identified as SHD, which isolates thermocouple shields. This con-
nection, at terminal 125, is intended to be wired to an isolated bus bar for thermocouple shield wires. If ground-
ed thermocouples are used, the shied terminal should not be connected.
3.2.3 Analog Outputs (AO)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 44
Device Types: Analog Output, (4 to 20) mA or (0-5) V, 16 bit hardware
There are two screw terminal connectors for each analog output.
Terminals 137 to 144 are AO terminals.
4.0 Hazardous Area Operation
The Centurion approvals for CSA, CLASS 1, DIVISION 2, Groups B, C and D are pending.
EExxpplloossiioonn hhaazzaarrdd –– DDoo nnoott ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt uunnlleessss tthhee ppoowweerr hhaass bbeeeenn sswwiittcchheedd ooffff,, oorr tthhee aarreeaa iiss
kknnoowwnn ttoo bbee nnoonn--hhaazzaarrddoouuss..