CE-05171N page 39 of 44
77..22..33 DDoowwnnllooaaddiinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss VViiaa MMCCoonnffiiggPPrroo SSooffttwwaarree
The Centurion makes it easy for a user to download a configuration through the MConfigPro software.
From the Options menu of the MConfigPro software, choose the Options tab to identify the ports that the
users PC can detect, and select the appropriate port that the user’s PC will use to communicate with the
C3-3 Display or Centurion controller. Set the individual port parameters.
Through the Tools menu the user may choose to upload, or download as needed.
77..22..44 PPaassss TThhrroouugghh
During boot loader, the Centurion controller allows users to remain connected to both the PC and the C3-3
Display and update the two devices with a single connection.
During a download from the MConfigPro software, the user downloads to the C3-3 Display without entering
boot loader mode and upon transferring the message, the Centurion controller is directed to accept the mes-
sage through one port (Port 2) and pass it through another port (Port 1) directly to the C3-3 Display, as if the PC
and C3-3 Display were directly connected.
77..22..55 DDoowwnnl
looaaddiinngg FFiirrmmwwaarree UUppddaatteess ttoo tthhee CC33--33 DDiissppllaayy
Firmware updates for the C3-3 Display require a USB con-
nection. While boot loader mode for the display is not
required for configuration downloads, it is required for
firmware updates.
The bootloader can be entered by menu selection if the USB
cable is currently connected, otherwise the C3-3 Display will
reset and restart the current application firmware. Optionally,
the bootloader can be entered by connecting the USB cable
and cycling power. (This method will leave the display blank
while in the bootloader.)
Upon entry to the bootloader, all communication to the con-
troller will stop. There is a red status LED below the USB con-
nector that will blink three times and then remain on while the
bootloader is active.
While a file is being transferred, the Com 2 transmit LED will
appear to be lit continuously. A successful download should
complete in approximately five minutes.
SSppeecciiaall 3355 JJuummpp CCooddee
C3-3 Display allows a “Download Only” password that will allow
access to the download menu. The password is set to a fixed
value of 35. Once at the Download Only screen on the C3-3
Display, the user will select to download a firmware update.
SSuuppeerr UUsseerr MMeennuu
Super users will use the super user menu to download
firmware updates.
All normal communication with the controller is stopped while
in download mode.
The display will indicate the transfer is complete by displaying 100%.