6.4 Tests After Wiring
6.4.1 Loop test
6.4 Tests After Wiring
This section describes loop and cable tests that should be performed after network wiring.
Perform these tests to the actual operating network configuration.
6.4.1 Loop test
The loop test checks each station's network line and parameter setting status to verify whether the network is
operating correctly.
The test completes approximately in 10 seconds.
Start testing from the master station. To use a standard programmable controller for the master station, refer to the
following manual.
User’s manual for the CC-Link IE Field Network master/local module used
The test allows checking of the following items:
(1) Performing a loop test
This section describes the procedure using the following system configuration example.
Item Description
Master station duplication check Checks if the master station is duplicated.
Station number duplication check Checks if stations on the network are duplicated.
Out-of-range station No. check
Checks if the number of connected slave stations exceeds the number of slave stations
set to the master station.
Reserved station specification
Checks if the specified reserved stations are actually connected.
Consistency check of the number
of connected stations
Consistency check for the number of total slave stations set by parameters and actual
connected slave stations.
Station type check
Consistency check for the station type of slave stations set in master stations and actual
connected station type.
Loopback check
Detects whether loopback is being performed when "Use" is selected under "Loopback
Function Setting" in the network parameter window for the master station.
Master station
(safety station)
Local station
(safety station)
Local station
(safety station)
Local station
(safety station)