8.1.3 Safety station interlock function
When a communication error has occurred between safety stations, communication is automatically cut to prevent
incorrect input or output from the error station.
The safety communication between the stations becomes "safety station interlock status", and it does not resume until
the safety interlock status is released.
Note that standard communication automatically resumes even under the safety interlock status if the communication
error cause is eliminated.
The safety station interlock function prevents equipment stopped by a communication error from suddenly resuming its
operation after it recovers from the error.
(1) Checking method
Under the safety station interlock status, the bit of the following special relay or special registers turn on.
: Bit that turns on, : N/A
*1 A bit that turns on is the one designated for the station No. of the local station (safety station) which is in safety
communication with own station.
(through safety
Station to be
Safety station interlock status
(SD1700 to SD1707)
Safety master station
interlock status
Master station (safety
station) and local station
(safety station)
Master station
(safety station)
Local station
(safety station)
Local station (safety
station) and local station
(safety station)
Local station
(safety station)