(c) Ring topology
To configure a ring topology, select "Use" under "Loopback Function Setting" in the network parameter window
for the master station. ( Page 81, Section 7.3)
(d) Using a switching hub to configure a ring topology
If ring topology is configured by connecting two stations through two of the switching hub's ports, the following
problems may arise:
• If an Ethernet cable is disconnected, loopback cannot be detected.
• If a station is disconnected due to failure or power-off, data link will stop.
Therefore, do not use a switching hub to configure the ring topology.
(e) Offline mode station in ring topology
In the following cases, the master station or the station connected to the offline mode station cannot detect
• One of the Ethernet cables connected to the offline mode station is disconnected.
• A station connected to the offline mode station is disconnected.
To detect loopback, set the offline mode station as a reserved station.
When the offline mode station is disconnected, loopback can be detected.
A station during the RESET status and a station with no station number setting operate as an offline mode station does.
Switching hub
Master station (safety station)
No loopback is detected. No loopback is detected.
Station in Offline mode
Master station (safety station)
No loopback is detected. No loopback is detected.
Station in Offline mode