MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User’s Manual
Modified Points From MN102H75K/F75K To MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K
MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company
page Before Modify page After Modify
This manual is intended for assembly-language programming
engineers. It describes the internal configuration and hardware
functions of the MN102H75K
Using This Manual
The chapters in this manual deal with the internal blocks of the
. Chapters 1 to 5 provide an overview of the
’s general specifications, interrupts, power modes, timers,
and serial connections. Chapters 6 to 10 describe the on-screen display
and other specialized functions available with the MN102H75K
Chapter 11 provides the I/O port specifications, chapter 12 describes the
ROM correction feature, chapter 13 describes the I
C interface, and
chapter 14 describes the H scan line counter. Appendix A provides a
register map, and Appendix B describes the flash EEPROM version.
This manual is intended for assembly-language programming
engineers. It describes the internal configuration and hardware
functions of the MN102H75K and MN102H85K microcontrollers.
Except when discusssiing differing specifications,this manual refers to
the two microcontrollers as a single device : MN102H75K/85K.
Using This Manual
The chapters in this manual deal with the internal blocks of the
. Chapters 1 to 5 provide an overview of the
’s general specifications, interrupts, power modes,
timers, and serial connections. Chapters 6 to 10 describe the on-screen
display and other specialized functions available with the
. Chapter 11 provides the I/O port specifications,
chapter 12 describes the ROM correction feature, chapter 13 describes
the I
C interface, and chapter 14 describes the H scan line counter.
Appendix A provides a register map, and Appendix B describes the
flash EEPROM version.
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing High-Speed Version LSI User Manual
(Describes the core hardware.)
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing High-Speed Version Instruction Manual
(Describes the instruction set.)
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing High-Speed Version C Compiler User
Manual: Usage Guide
(Describes the installation, commands, and options for the C compiler.)
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing High-Speed Version C Compiler User
Manual: Language Description
(Describes the syntax for the C compiler.)
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing High-Speed Version C Compiler User
Manual: Library Reference
(Describes the standard libraries for the C compiler.)
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing High-Speed Version Cross-Assembler User
(Describes the assembler syntax and notation.)
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing Version C Source Code Debugger User
(Describes the use of the C source code debugger.)
■ MN10200 Series Linear Addressing Version PanaX Series Installation Manual
(Describes the installation of the C compiler, cross-assembler, and C source
code debugger and the procedures for using the in-circuit emulator.)
Questions and Comments
We welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions. Please contact the semicon-
ductor design center closest to you. See the last page of this manual for a list of
addresses and telephone numbers. You can also find contact and product information
on the World Wide Web at: http://www.psdc.com/
■ MN102H Series LSI User Manual
(Describes the core hardware.)
■ MN102H Series Instruction Manual
(Describes the instruction set.)
■ MN102H Series C Compiler User Manual: Usage Guide
(Describes the installation, commands, and options for the C compiler.)
■ MN102H Series C Compiler User Manual: Language Description
(Describes the syntax for the C compiler.)
■ MN102H Series C Compiler User Manual: Library Reference
(Describes the standard libraries for the C compiler.)
■ MN102H Series Cross-Assembler User Manual
(Describes the assembler syntax and notation.)
■ MN102H Series C Source Code Debugger User Manual
(Describes the use of the C source code debugger.)
■ MN102H Series Installation Manual
(Describes the installation of the C compiler, cross-assembler, and C source
code debugger and the procedures for using the in-circuit emulator.)
Figure 1-5 shows the address space for the MN102H75K.The internal
ROM contains the instructions and the font data for the on-screen dis-
play (OSD), in any location. The internal RAM contains the MCU data
and the VRAM for the OSD, in any location.
Figure 1-5 shows the address space for the MN102H75K/85K.The
internal ROM contains the instructions and the font data for the on-
screen display (OSD), in any location. The internal RAM contains the
MCU data and the VRAM for the OSD, in any location
P27 P27
I/O ports
84-pin QFP
I/O ports
66(MN102H75K/F75K) / 50(MN102H85K/F85K)
84-pin QFP(MN102H75K/F75K) / 64-pin SDIL(MN102H85K/F85K)