On-Screen Display
OSD Registers
Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual
OSD1: OSD Register 1 x’007F06’
A write to the OSD bit of OSD1
takes effect on the next leading
edge of VSYNC. If you are
turning the OSD on, the OSD
starts operating on the next
VSYNC after the program writes
a 1 to the OSD bit. If you are
turning the OSD off, the OSD
stops operating on the next
VSYNC after the program writes
a 0 to the OSD bit.
To turn off the OSD block to save
1. Write a 0 to OSD (OSD1, bit 10).
2. Wait for the next VSYNC input.
3. Write a 0 to OSDPOFF (PCNT0,
bit 7), turning the clock off.
If you turn the clock off before the
VSYNC input, power usage may not
drop or the microcontroller may halt.
In using LC blocking oscillation, the
power comsumption becomes large.
To reduce it, select another oscillation.
In case of of useing OSDX clock (both
LC blocking oscilation and external
clock), to prevent the current flow set
OSDXI, OSDXO terminal to port
function (P45, P46) and output H level
before invoking STOP mode.
0: Off
1: On
OSCSEL[1:0]: Oscillator select
00: OSC clock + PLL + internal synchronization
01: OSDX clock (with LC blocking oscillator)
10: OSDX clock (external source) + internal synchronization
11: Reserved
XIO: OSDX frequency select
Frequency range: 12 to 48 MHz
0: Less than 20 MHz
1: Greater than 20 MHz
HPOL: HSYNC input polarity select
0: Active low
1: Active high
VPOL: VSYNC input polarity select
0: Active high
1: Active low
YSPOL: YS output polarity select
0: Active high
1: Active low
YSPLT: YS color palette select
0: Output YS to entire display area (except transparent and translucent
1: Output the MSB (bit 15) of all the color palettes from YS
YCNT: YM DAC/digital output select
0: DAC output
1: Digital output
Digital output is the LSB of YM (bit 12 of the color palette).
RGBC: RGB DAC/digital output select
0: DAC output
1: Digital output
Digital output is the LSB of each color:
R: bit 0 of the color palette
G: bit 4 of the color palette
B: bit 8 of the color palette