MN102HF75K Flash EEPROM Version
Using the Onboard Serial Programming Mode
Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual
■ Branch instruction to interrupt service routine
Normally, interrupt servicing starts at address x’0x80008’, but the soft branch
instruction in the serial writer load program branches to x’0x82018’. This
address must hold a JMP instruction pointing to the real start address for the
interrupt service routine.
User program area
This area stores the user program.
B.4.4.2 RAM Address Space
Serial writer work area
The 3 kilobytes of RAM area starting at address x’0x08000’ are used for the
serial writer work area. The load program downloads programs to this area that it
needs to operate the serial writer and program the EEPROM. No other memory
area can be used for this purpose. You do not need to know about RAM allo-
cation to program the EEPROM.
Reserved area
Do not write to this area.
B.4.5 Microcontroller Clock on the Target Board
For the clock supply to the microcontroller on the target board, use the existing
target board clock. The OSC oscillator clock for the microcontroller is 4 MHz.
Using the internal PLL circuit, the microcontroller switches to NORMAL mode
and operates with a 12-MHz system clock. Table B-6 shows the clock fre-
quencies for the microcontroller during serial programming.
Table B-5 RAM Address Space in Serial Programming Mode
Address Size Description
3 KB Serial writer work area
1 KB Reserved area
Table B-6 Microcontroller Clock Frequencies during Serial Programming
Oscillator Clock Frequency Internal System Clock Frequency
4 MHz 12 MHz