console to ensure a reliable connection (Serial Port Configuration). Specify the IP
addresses for the switch (Network Configuration / IP Configuration), and then set the
Administrator and User passwords (User Configuration). Remember to record them in a
safe place. Also set the community string which controls access to the onboard SNMP
agent via in-band management software (SNMP Configuration). The items provided by
the Management Setup Menu are described in the following sections.
Management Setup Menu
Network Configuration ...
Serial Port Configuration ...
SNMP Configuration ...
User Configuration ...
TFTP Download ...
Configuration File
Display or change network configuration.
Use <TAB> or arrow keys to move. <Enter> to select.
Menu Description
Includes IP setup, Ping facility, and HTTP setup for the onboard
Web agent.
Serial Port
Sets communication parameters for the serial port, including
baud rate, console timeout, and screen data refresh interval.
SNMP Configuration Activates authentication failure traps and configures communities
and trap managers.
User Configuration Sets the user names and passwords for system access.
TFTP Download Downloads new version of firmware to update your system
Configuration File Saves or restores configuration data based on the specified file.
2.4.1.Changing the Network Configuration
Use the Network Configuration menu to set the bootup option, configure the switch’s
Internet Protocol (IP) parameters, or enable the onboard Web agent. The screen shown
below is described in the following table.