3.2.Navigating the Web Browser Interface
To access the Web-browser interface you must first enter a user name and password.
The administrator has Read / Write access to all configuration parameters and statistics.
The default user name for the administrator is “admin,” with no password.
3.2.1.Home Page
When your Web browser connects with the switch’s Web agent, the home page is
displayed as shown below. The home page displays the Main Menu on the left side of
the screen and System Information on the right side. The Main Menu links are used to
navigate to other menus and display configuration parameters and statistics.
If this is your first time to access the management agent, you should define a new
Administrator name and password, record it and put it in a safe place. Select Mgt Setup
/ User Cfg. from the Main Menu, and then enter a new name and password for the
Administrator. Note that user names and passwords can consist of up to 11
alphanumeric characters and are not case sensitive.
You are allowed three attempts to enter the correct password; on the third failed
attempt the current connection is terminated.
3.2.2.Configuration Options
Configurable parameters have a dialog box or a drop-down list. Once a configuration
change has been made on a page, be sure to click on the “Apply” button at the bottom