Parameter Default Description
Group Address Registration Protocol is used by GVRP and
GMRP to register or deregister client attributes for client
services within a bridged LAN.
Join Time 20 The interval (centiseconds) between transmitting requests /
queries to participate in a group.
Leave Time 60 The interval (centiseconds) a port waits before leaving a
This time should be set to more than twice the join time.
This ensures that after a Leave or LeaveAll message has
been issued, the applicants can rejoin before the port
actually leaves the group.
Leave All Time 1000 The interval (centiseconds) between sending out a LeaveAll
query message for group participants and the port leaving
the group.
This interval should be considerably larger than the Leave
Time to minimize the amount of traffic generated by nodes
rejoining the group.
1. The default values for the GARP timers are independent of the media access
method or data rate. These values should not changed unless you are experiencing
some difficulties with GMRP or GVRP registration / deregistration.
Parameter Default Description
VLAN and
These fields set the default values for VLANs, port priority,