• If zone coating of the adhesive is not possible, remove a 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) strip on the leading and driver edge,
and use a non-oozing adhesive.
• Portrait orientation works best, especially when printing bar codes.
Tips on using card stock
C ard st ock is heav y, s i n gle- ply sp ecialt y m edia. Many of its v ariable c h aracteristics , s uc h as moisture c o nten t, thickn e ss ,
and texture, can significantly impact print quality. Print samples on the card stock being considered for use before
buying large quantities.
When printing on card stock:
• From MarkVision Professional, the printer software, or the printer control panel:
1 Set the Paper Type to Card Stock.
2 Set the Paper Weight to Card Stock Weight.
3 Set the Card Stock Weight to Normal or Heavy.
• Be aware that preprinting, perforation, and creasing may significantly affect the print quality and cause jams or
other paper handling problems.
• Check with the manufacturer or vendor to ensure the card stock can withstand temperatures up to 200°C (392°F)
without releasing hazardous emissions.
• Do not use preprinted card stock manufactured with chemicals that may contaminate the printer. Preprinting
introduces semi-liquid and volatile components into the printer.
• Use grain short card stock when possible.