
200 Paper jam <area name> 104
201.yy Paper jam <area
name> 104
202.yy Paper jam <area
name> 104
230.yy Paper jam <area
name> 104
235.yy Paper jam <area
name> 104
24x.yy Paper jam <area
name> 104
250.yy Paper jam <area
name> 105
250-sheet tray (standard)
loading 36
30.yy <color> Toner Cart
Missing 100
31.yy Defective Imaging Kit 100
34 Short paper 101
35 Insufficient memory to support
Resource Save feature 101
37 Insufficient memory for Flash
Memory Defragment
operation 101
37 Insufficient memory to collate
job 101
38 Memory Full 101
39 Complex page, some data may
not have printed 101
40 <color> Invalid refill, change
cartridge 101
50 PPDS Font Error 102
51 Defective flash detected 102
52 Not enough free space in flash
memory for resources 102
53 Unformatted flash
detected 102
54 Standard <x> software
error 102
54 Standard network software
error 102
56 Standard USB port disabled 103
58 Too many flash options
installed 103
58 Too many trays attached 103
59 Incompatible tray <x> 103
650-sheet duo drawer
installing 22
650-sheet duo drawer (optional)
loading 38
82 Replace waste toner box 103
82.yy Waste toner box missing 103
82.yy Waste toner box nearly
full 103
88.yy <color> Cartridge is low 103
88.yy Replace <color>
Cartridge 104
940.01 105
940.02 105
941.01 105
941.02 105
942.01 105
942.02 105
943.01 105
943.02 106
Active NIC menu 78
Asset Report menu 78
attaching cables 23
Black Low 96
Busy 96
cables, attaching
Ethernet 23
USB 23
Calibrating 96
calling Customer Support 153
canceling a job
from Macintosh 57
from the printer control panel 56
from Windows 57
card stock
loading 39
tips on using 54
Check Config ID 96
Check Model Name 96
Check Serial Num 96
checking an unresponsive
printer 134
exterior of the printer 129
Close Door 96
configuration information
wireless network 27
printer 11
multiple printers 133
configuring supply
notifications 132
conserving supplies 107
contacting Customer Support 153
Custom Types menu 75
Cyan Low 96
Default Source menu 67
Defective <color> Cartridge 100
Defragmenting Flash 96
Device Statistics menu 76
directory list, printing 56
display troubleshooting
display is blank 134
display shows only
diamonds 134
display, printer control panel 14
documents, printing
from Macintosh computer 50
from Windows 50
Embedded Web Server 132
copying settings to other
printers 133
setting up e-mail alerts 132
notices 154, 155, 156, 158
loading 39, 41
tips 52
Ethernet networking
Macintosh 31
Windows 31
Ethernet port 23
exterior of the printer
cleaning 129