High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification 69
Redundant Host API
IN uint32 SourceHost,
IN uint32 *pDomains,
IN uint32 DomainCount,
IN uint32 DestinationHost,
Handle – the handle of the current session
SourceHost – the number of the host for which domain destination is specified
pDomains – the array of domain numbers identifying the group of domains that is
passed to the specified destination host if the source host fails and
hardware-initiated switchover takes place for it
DomainCount the size of the array pDomains
DestinationHost the number of the host that owns the specified domains if the source host
fails and hardware-initiated switchover takes place for it; value
RH_NO_DESTINATION_HOST means “no host owns the domains”
Reset if TRUE, the PCI buses of domains are reset after the switchover
Return Value:
HSI_STATUS_SUCCESS returned in the case of success
invalid session handle or invalid parameters (wrong or non-existent host
or domain numbers)
the request for the specified domains by the current host has been denied
returned if this function is not supported by the infrastructure
Other, implementation-defined HSI_STATUS values
returned if other errors occurred during execution of this function
This function is used to specify the destination host that obtains specified domains if a hardware-
initiated switchover occurs due to the failure of the source host. In the case of such failure, domains
owned by that host should be transferred to some other host; this function specifies the destination
host on a per-domain group basis.
If this function is not called before the hardware-initiated switchover actually takes place, the
domain is either passed to some predefined host or left unattached to any host. This predefined
arrangement is specified by some entity beyond the scope of this specification (like BIOS or
hardware default). However, the function RhGetHwDestinationHost can be used to obtain this
predefined arrangement, even if RhSetHwDestinationHost has not yet been called for this domain/
host pair.