High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification 129
RH Switchover on OS Crash G
The High-Availability RH architecture enables the system master board to perform a switchover to
the backup host in the event of a system crash.
Under the
Linux* operating system the RH Software patches the Linux kernel to perform a
switchover whenever a kernel panic occurs. In addition, the host board can be forced to reboot
under these circumstances by simply adding the string “panic=1” in the append statement found in
the lilo.conf configuration file.
Under the
VxWorks* operating system this same switchover/reboot functionality is attached to the
NMI interrupt handler. To force a system switchover and reboot under VxWorks, you can configure
the ZT 5524 watchdog timeout to force an NMI interrupt to be generated. This forces the modified
NMI handler to be activated in the event that the ZT 5524 watchdog is not strobed in a suitable
amount of time. This causes a switchover and reboot of the failed host to occur. See the Intel®
NetStructure™ ZT 5524 System Master Processor Board Technical Product Specification for
information about configuring the watchdog/NMI interrupt. For more information on obtaining
documentation, see Section H.2, “User Documentation” on page 131.