High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification 63
Redundant Host API
Hence, forced switchover is potentially destructive for the owning host and should be used with
To perform forced switchover, it is sufficient to call the RhPerformSwitchover function. Forced
switchover can be initiated either by the owning host (in which case it voluntarily gives up control
of this domain), or by the new owner of the domain, or by some third-party host. In the last case, an
inter-host communication channel may be needed to request one of the immediately participating
hosts to perform the switchover.
After the switchover, software connection is automatically initiated for the relevant domains on the
receiving hosts. Hostile Switchover
Even in the case of a forced switchover request, there may be a possibility for the owning host to
intercept the hardware switchover request and prevent it via hostile actions with respect to the
destination host (for example, powering it off). An additional parameter (“Hostile”) to the
RhPerformSwitchover function can be used to perform unconditional (hostile) switchover without
any possibility for the owning host to prevent it.
After the switchover, software connection is automatically initiated for the relevant domains on the
receiving hosts. Hardware-Initiated Switchover
This type of switchover is initiated by hardware in the case of a hardware-initiated alarm (for
example, a watchdog timer expiration) on the owning host. The new owning hosts for domains in
this case are specified in advance via RhSetHwDestinationHost function. The parameter Reset in
this function controls whether the PCI buses of the domain are reset after the switchover. If this
parameter is TRUE, the PCI buses of the domain are reset after the hardware-initiated switchover,
which brings the devices into a known initial state on the new owning host.
The RhSetHwDestinationHost function can be called either on the owning host or on some third-
party host. In the last case, an inter-host communication channel may be needed to request the
owning host to register the destination host in hardware.
During hardware-initiated switchover, device operation is not quiesced and for the device drivers
and other software on the resigning host the PCI devices disappear, possibly in the middle of
transactions. However, this is not very important for this type of switchover, since the usual reason
for switchover in this case is a malfunction of the owning host that requires some corrective
actions, possibly including host reset.
After the switchover, software connection is automatically initiated for the relevant domains on the
receiving hosts. RhPrepareForSwitchover
IN uint32 *pDomains,
IN uint32 DomainCount,