
The following three components compose the integrated SGI Electronic Support system:
SGI Embedded Support Partner (ESP) is a set of tools and utilities that are embedded in the
SGI Linux ProPack release. ESP can monitor a single system or group of systems for system
events, software and hardware failures, availability, performance, and configuration changes, and
then perform actions based on those events. ESP can detect system conditions that indicate
potential problems, and then alert appropriate personnel by pager, console messages, or e-mail
(plain text or encrypted). You also can configure ESP to notify an SGI call center about problems;
ESP then sends e-mail to SGI with information about the event.
SGI Knowledgebase is a database of solutions to problems and answers to questions that can be
searched by sophisticated knowledge management tools. You can log on to SGI Knowledgebase
at any time to describe a problem or ask a question. Knowledgebase searches thousands of
possible causes, problem descriptions, fixes, and how-to instructions for the solutions that best
match your description or question.
Supportfolio Online is a customer support resource that includes the latest information about
patch sets, bug reports, and software releases.
The complete SGI Electronic Support services are available to customers who have a valid SGI
Warranty, FullCare, FullExpress, or Mission-Critical support contract. To purchase a support
contract that allows you to use the complete SGI Electronic Support services, contact your SGI
sales representative. For more information about the various support contracts, see the following
Web page:
For more information about SGI Electronic Support, see the following Web page: