
146 007-4857-002
7: Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Temperature messages: low alt.
ATTN: <temp sensor description> advisory
temperature reached @ xxC xxF
The ambient temperature at the IRU’s air inlet has
exceeded 30° C.
ATTN: <temp sensor description> critical
temperature reached @ xxC xxF
The ambient temperature at the IRU’s air inlet has
exceeded 35 °C.
ATTN: <temp sensor description> fault temperature
reached @ xxC xxF
The ambient temperature at the IRU’s air inlet has
exceeded 40 °C.
Temperature messages: high alt.
ATTN: <temp sensor description> advisory
temperature reached @ xxC xxF
The ambient temperature at the IRU’s air inlet has
exceeded 27 °C.
ATTN: <temp sensor description> critical
temperature reached @ xxC xxF
The ambient temperature at the IRU’s air inlet has
exceeded 31 °C.
ATTN: <temp sensor description> fault temperature
reached @ xxC xxF
The ambient temperature at the IRU’s air inlet has
exceeded 35 °C.
Temperature stable message:
ATTN: <temp sensor description> stabilized
@ xxC/xxF
The ambient temperature at the IRU’s air inlet has
returned to an acceptable level.
Power-off messages:
Auto power down in xx seconds The L1 controller has registered a fault and is
shutting down. The message displays every five
seconds until shutdown.
IRU appears to have been powered down The L1 controller has registered a fault and has shut
Table 7-2 L1 Controller Messages (continued)
L1 System Controller Message Message Meaning and Action Needed