
148 007-4857-002
7: Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Compute/Memory Blade LEDs
Each compute/memory blade installed in an IRU has a total of eight LED indicators arranged in
t w o rows o f f o u r a nd
behind the perforated
of the blade:
One green LED shows power-on complete status for the blade.
One red LED shows power failure or bad voltage status within the blade.
Two green NUMAlink indicators show NI0 and NI1 connection status between the blade
and the router board within the IRU. Constant green is a good connection.
Four amber (heartbeat LEDs) indicate compute activity (the LEDs light up according to the
number, activity and type of processors installed in the blade). If the IRU is fully powered on
and booted and none of the amber LEDs are lit there is most likely a problem with the
compute/memory blade. Try reseating the blade in the slot. Confirm the two green
NUMAlink status LEDs are on. If there is no LED activity on the blade, it must be replaced.