340 Software Developer’s Manual
Register Descriptions
13.6.11 Flexible Filter Value Table
FFVT (09800h - 09BF8h; R/W)
The Flexible Filter Value and Table is used to store the one value for each byte location in a packet
for each flexible filter. If the corresponding mask bit is set to 1b, the Flexible Filter compares the
incoming data byte to the values stored in this table.
Before writing to the Flexible Filter Value Table the driver must first disable the flexible filters by
writing 0b’s to the Flexible Filter Enable bits of the Wakeup Filter Control Register
13.7 Statistics Registers
All statistics registers are implemented as 32-bit registers. 64-bit accesses to these registers must
have the upper byte enables de-asserted. 32-bit registers with addresses not on a quadword
boundary cannot be accessed through a 64-bit access.
Registers that count octets make up 64-bit registers.
Field Dword # Address Bit(s) Initial Value Description
MASK0 0 9000h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 0
MASK1 2 9008h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 2
MASK2 4 9010h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 3
MASK127 254 93F8h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 127
31 0 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
Reserved Byte0: Value3 Value2 Value1 Value0
Reserved Byte1: Value3 Value2 Value1 Value0
Reserved Byte2: Value3 Value2 Value1 Value0
Reserved Byte127: Value3 Value2 Value1 Value0
Field Dword # Address Bit(s) Initial Value Description
MASK0 0 9800h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 0
MASK1 2 9808h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 2
MASK2 4 9810h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 3
MASK127 254 9BF8h 15:0 X Mask for Filter [3:0] for Byte 127