122 Software Developer’s Manual
EEPROM Interface
5.6.33 IBA Capabilities (Word 33h)
Word 33h is used to enumerate the boot technologies that have been programmed into the FLASH.
It is updated by IBA configuration tools and is not updated or read by IBA.
5.6.34 IBA Secondary Port Configuration (Words 34h-35h)
These words provide a unique configuration for the second port of the 82546GB/EB. The format is
the same as that used in words 30h and 31h for LAN A.
Table 5-19. IBA Capabilities
Bit Name Description
15:14 SIG
Signature. These bits must be set to 1b to indicate that this word has
been programmed by the agent or other configuration software.
13:5 Reserved Reserved for future use. Set these bits to 0b.
SAN capability is present in FLASH.
0b = The SAN capability is not present (default).
1b = The SAN capability is present.
EFI UNDI capability is present in FLASH.
0b = The RPL code is not present (default).
1b = The RPL code is present.
RPL capability is present in FLASH.
1b = The RPL code is present (default).
0b = The RPL code is not present.
PXE/UNDI capability is present in FLASH.
1b = The PXE base code is present (default).
0b = The PXE base code is not present.
PXE base code is present in FLASH.
0b = The PXE base code is present (default).
1b = The PXE base code is not present.