Software Developer’s Manual 283
Register Descriptions PHY Page Select Register (82541xx and 82547GI/EI Only)
PPAGE (31d; R/W)
13.4.8 Flow Control Address Low
FCAL (00028h; R/W)
Flow control packets are defined by IEEE 802.3x to be either a unique multicast address or the
station address with the EtherType field indicating PAUSE. The FCAL, FCAH registers provide
the value hardware compares incoming packets against to determine that it should PAUSE its
output, and hardware use when transmit PAUSE packets to its remote node when flow control is
The FCAL register contains the lower bits of the internal 48-bit Flow Control Ethernet address. All
32 bits are valid. Software can access the High and Low registers as a register pair if it can perform
a 64-bit access to the PCI bus. This register should be programmed with 00_C2_80_01h. The
complete flow control multicast address is: 01_80_C2_00_00_01h; where 01h is the first byte on
the wire, 80h is the second, etc.
Table 13-53. FCAL Register Bit Description
13.4.9 Flow Control Address High
FCAH (0002Ch; R/W)
This register contains the upper bits of the 48-bit Flow Control Ethernet address. Only the lower 16
bits of this register have meaning. The complete Flow Control address is {FCAH, FCAL}. This
register should be programmed with 01_00h. The complete flow control multicast address is:
01_80_C2_00_00_01h; where 01h is the first byte on the wire, 80h is the second, etc.
Table 13-52. PHY Page Select Register Bit Description
Field Bit(s) Description Mode HW Rst SW Rst
This register is used to swap out the
Base Page containing the IEEE
registers for Intel reserved test and
debug pages residing within the
Extended Address space.
WO 0b 0b
31 0
Field Bit(s)
FCAL 31:0 X
Flow Control Address Low
Should be programmed with 00_C2_80_01h