
Field Descriptions
Accounting code. An identifier assigned to jobs that use this job description.
This code is used to collect system resource use information. If the special value
*USRPRF is specified, the accounting code used for jobs using this job description
is obtained from the job's user profile.
Bytes available. The length of all data available to return. All available data is
returned if enough space is provided.
Bytes returned. The length of all data actually returned. If the data is truncated
because the receiver variable was not sufficiently large to hold all of the data avail-
able, this value will be less than the bytes available.
Device recovery action. The action to take when an I/O error occurs for the inter-
active job's requesting program device. The possible values are:
The value in the system value QDEVRCYACN at the time the job is started is
used as the device recovery action for this job description.
Signals the I/O error message to the application and lets the application
program perform error recovery.
Disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the
system sends a message to the application program, indicating the job has
reconnected and that the workstation device has recovered.
Disconnects the job when an I/O error occurs. When the job reconnects, the
system sends the End Request (ENDRQS) command to return control to the
previous request level.
Ends the job when an I/O error occurs. A message is sent to the job's log
and to the history log (QHST). This message indicates that the job ended
because of a device error.
Ends the job when an I/O error occurs. There is no job log produced for the
job. The system sends a message to the history log (QHST). This message
indicates that the job ended because of a device error.
End severity. The message severity level of escape messages that can cause a
batch job to end. The batch job ends when a request in the batch input stream
sends an escape message, whose severity is equal to or greater than this value, to
the request processing program. The possible values are from 0 through 99.
Hold on job queue. Whether jobs using this job description are put on the job
queue in the hold condition. The possible values are *YES and *NO.
Initial library list. The initial library list that is used for jobs that use this job
description. Only the libraries in the user portion of the library list are included.
Note: The data is an array of 11-byte entries, each entry consisting of a 10-byte
library name left-justified with a blank pad at the end. The 11-byte entries
can be easily used in CL commands. The number of libraries in the initial
library list tells how many entries are contained in the array.
3-32 System API Programming V4R1