
Field Descriptions
Attribute. The object attribute.
Continuation handle (header section). A continuation point for the API. This
value is set based on the contents of the Information Status variable in the generic
header for the user space. The following situations can occur:
Information status–C. The information returned in the user space is valid and
complete. No continuation is necessary and the continuation handle is set to
Information status–P. The information returned in the user space is valid but
incomplete. The user may call the API again, starting where the last call left
off. The continuation handle contains a value which may be supplied as an
input parameter in later calls.
Information status–I. The information returned in the user space is not valid
and incomplete. The content of the continuation handle is unpredictable.
Continuation handle (input section). Used to continue from a previous call to
this API which resulted in partially complete information.
Format name. The name of the format used to return information on the objects
that adopt authority.
Library name. The name of the library containing the user space or object.
Object name. The name of the object that adopts the user's authority.
Object in use. Whether the object is in use when the API tries to access it. If the
object is in use, the API is not able to determine if the object adopts the user's
authority. If the object is in use, this field is Y. If not, this field is N.
Object type.
Input Section: The type of object for which the list of objects adopting the user's
authority is returned.
List Section: The type of object which adopts the user's authority.
Text description. The text description of the object.
User name. The name of the owner of the object.
User name specified. The name of the user for which the list of objects that
adopt the user's authority is returned.
User space library name specified. The name of the library that contains the
user space.
User space name specified. The name of the user space to which the list of
objects that adopt the users authority is returned.
Chapter 5. List APIs 5-15