
┌────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐
│ 64─Byte User Area
├────────────────────────────────────┤ ┌───│ Input Parameter Section │
+4│ Size of Generic Header
│ Generic Header ├─────────────────────────┤
+6C│ Offset to Input Parameter Section ─┼────┘
+7│ Input Parameter Section Size ├─────────────────────────┤
+74│ Offset to Header Section───────────┼────────│ Header Section
+78│ Header Section Size
+7C│ Offset to List Data Section────────┼────┐
+8│ List Data Section Size
+84│ Number of List Entries
+88│ Size of Each Entry ├─────────────────────────┤
+8C│ CCSID of data in the user space
+9│ Country ID
List Data Section
+93│ Language ID │─────────────────────────┤
└───│ Entry 1
+95│ Subsetted list indicator │─────────────────────────┤
│ Entry 2
+C│ API entry point name │─────────────────────────┤
│ Entry 3
│ Last Entry
Figure 5-1. General Data Structure
Offset to Header Section
The header section includes an offset to where the header section starts and the
size of the header section. This section is needed in the event any input parame-
ters have a special value. The fields in the header section tell what the special
value resolved to. For example, the special value *CURRENT for the user name
parameter would resolve to the user profile name for the job that called the API.
This section is also sometimes used for API-specific control information that is not
related to a particular list entry.
The QSYLOBJP API's header section is shown on page 5-14.
Offset to List Data Section
The offset to the list data section is the offset to the start of the format. The spe-
cific format that the API uses is determined by the name you specify for the format
name parameter. The specific format that you use determines what information is
returned in the user space.
The number of list entries field tells how many entries have been returned to you.
The size of each entry field within the list data section tells how large each entry is.
In the list data section, each entry is of the same length for a given list. If the size
5-2 System API Programming V4R1