7 - 5
OCR User-Defined Variables
You can create up to two of your own user variables for an OCR template. These variables will represent
any OCR readable characters. The user-defined variables are stored under the letters “g” and “h.” Cre-
ating a user variable follows the same steps as creating a template, but instead of scanning the Enter
OCR Template symbol, you scan the Enter User-Defined Variable symbol (page 7-10). The letters g
and h can then be used in an OCR template to define the variable you specified.
Example: You need a variable to represent the letters “A,” “B,” or “C.” The template for this variable
would be:
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Enter User-Defined Variable g
symbol (page 7-10). Scan 414243 from the Programming Chart (the hex characters for “A,” “B,” and
“C”). Scan Save OCR Template (page 7-10). This will let you read either A or B or C in any position
where you place the g. For example, you could create the following template:
This template would then let you read data that began with six digits, and had an A, B, or C trailing. So
you would be able to read:
Reading Multi-Row OCR
The imager is capable of decoding multi-row OCR text.
Note: Reading rows longer than sixteen characters is not recommended.
Consider the following example. This example shows serial commands as they would be entered using
Example: You need to read multiple rows of OCR-A data as shown below:
First, enable the OCR-A font. To read the first row of OCR data, you would program the following
This template is the default OCR template. If you wanted to read the second line of data, you would
use the following template: