3 - 7
Aimer Delay
The aimer delay allows a delay time for the operator to aim the document reader before the picture is
taken. Use these codes to set the time between when the trigger is pulled and when the picture is taken.
During the delay time, the aiming light will appear, but the LEDs won’t turn on until the delay time is over.
Default = Off.
User-Specified Aimer Delay
If you want to set your own length for the duration of the delay, scan the barcode below, then set the time-
out by scanning digits (0 - 4,000 ms) from the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual,
then scan Save.
Aimer Mode
This feature allows you to turn the aimer on and off. When the Interlaced barcode is scanned, the aimer
is interlaced with the illumination LEDs
. Default = Interlaced.
Use Centering to narrow the document reader’s field of view to make sure the document reader reads
only those barcodes intended by the user. For instance, if multiple codes are placed closely together,
centering will insure that only the desired codes are read. (Centering can be used in conjunction with
Aimer Delay, page 3-7, for the most error-free operation in applications where multiple codes are spaced
closely together. Using the Aimer Delay and Centering features, the document reader can emulate the
operation of older systems, such as linear laser barcode readers.)
400 milliseconds
* Off
(no delay)
200 milliseconds