3 - 9
Decode Window
This feature defines an area or window within which a barcode must be placed in order to be decoded.
Although the aimer brackets are displayed over a wide area, you can define a smaller window for decod-
ing barcodes. This will improve decode time. Note that the barcode can only be decoded if it is entirely
within the defined window.
Setting a decode window does not change where the illuminated aimer brackets appear, so the user may
think the decode area is larger than it is. A user should center the barcode under the illuminated cross-
hairs to insure a proper read.
The decode window is based on the percentage of the field of view. The 4800dr defaults to
Decode Win-
dow On, Decode Window X at 68%,
Decode Window Y at 60%
(this emulates the decode area of
our other imaging products).
If you want the decode window to use the full field of view, scan the Decode Window Off (Full FOV) bar-
code. (Note that this slows decode time.)
To set a decode window, scan the Decode Window On barcode. Next set the percentage of the field of
view for the window by scanning the Decode Window X barcode and scanning up to 3 digits from the
inside back cover this manual to set the percentage of the field of view for the X setting. Scan the
Decode Window Y barcode and scan the digits for the percentage of the field of view for the Y setting.
Scan Save.
16% 84%
68% X
60% Y
Default Decode Window Diagram:
Decode Window On
Decode Window Off
(Full FOV)
Decode Window X
Decode Window Y