
Chapter 2 93
Command Definitions A-B
Starts execution of the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter in compatibility mode. HP
Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental
Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
BBASIC[ commandfile] [ ,[ inputfile] [ ,listfile] ]
commandfile Actual file designator of the source file or device from which HP Business
BASIC/V commands and statements are input. This can be any ASCII
input file. Formal file designator is BASCOM. Default is $STDINX.
inputfile Actual file designator of the file containing data input for a HP Business
BASIC/V program. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator
is BASIN. Default is $STDINX.
outfile Actual file designator of the destination file for the program listing and
output. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is
BASOUT. Default is $STDLIST.
NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (BASCOM, BASIN, and
BASOUT) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command
parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE
Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Operation Notes
The BBASIC command is generally used for online programming in HP Business BASIC/V,
but it can also be used to interpret HP Business BASIC/V programs submitted in batch
mode. In batch mode, the HP Business BASIC/V >EXIT or >:: command is required as the
last statement in the command file. HP Business BASIC/V has its own online help facility.
This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in
BREAK. Pressing
Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME
command continues the execution.
To enter commands and data from your standard input device, with program listing and
output transmitted to the standard output device, use: