
Chapter 2 59
Command Definitions A-B
The user types are specified as follows:
ANY = Any user
AC = Member of this account only
GU = Member of this group only
AL = Account librarian user only
GL = Group librarian user only
To specify two or more user or access types, separate them by commas.
ONVS A particular volume set for which the group attributes are to be changed.
The volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system. If
you specify ONVS, the only other parameter that works with it is the FILES
parameter. If volumesetname is omitted from the ONVS= parameter, or you
omit ONVS, the operation is performed on the system volume set.
HOMEVS Changes the home volume set from the current set to the set specified by
volumesetname. You may do this only if the group on the current home
system volume set is empty and not in use; no one is logged onto that
volume setname The full name of the MPE/iX volume set, consisting of from 1 to 32
characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The remaining
characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore, or periods.
You cannot change the home volume set if the home volume set is the
system volume set, and it contains files. If it contains no file, you can
change the home volume set.
Consider the following when changing the home volume set:
If the home volume set is the system volume set, no files may exist in
the group and the group may not be in use (no users may be logged onto
the group). Otherwise, the command fails.
If the current home volume set is not the system volume set but the
volume set is mounted, no files may exist in the group on that volume
set, and the group may not be in use. Otherwise, the command fails.
If the current home volume set is not the system volume set and it is
not mounted, it may be changed.
It is permissible to reassign a group to a different volume set despite the
presence of files belonging to groupname. This is possible provided that the
old volume set is not the system volume set and the groupname is not
currently bound to its home volume set. This binding occurs automatically
when the volume set is mounted; it occurs explicitly when the MOUNT or
VSOPEN commands are invoked; it occurs implicitly when the FOPEN
intrinsic is invoked.
Operation Notes
This command changes one or more attributes of a group. Multiple parameters may be
specified on a single command line as shown in "Examples." When an entire parameter is
omitted from an ALTGROUP command, the corresponding value for the group remains