voltage is 1650V (50Hz) for 2s. At the test, there will not flashover and
breakdown occurring. Ground resistor
Check the voltage drop between freezer ground connection point and
accessible metal parts, using AC power of load empty voltage not over 12V
and 10A current. Calculate the resistance according to the current and
voltage drop. Ground connection resistance shall not exceed 0.1 ohm. Leakage of current
When testing, give 1.06 times rated voltage to the freezer, and make the test
at operation status. The test complies with GB4706.1-84, the leakage
current testing instrument is made in accordance with the stipulations. The
leakage current measured shall not exceed 1.5mA. Noise test
This test is carried out at semi sound eliminating room. The freezer is put
to the geometrical center of room, on a 5-10mm thick elastic cushion. The
freezer should be empty when testing. Turn the knob of temperature
controller to middle or near to strong position and close the door. Test after
the freezer has running more than 30 minutes. The freezer noise power
level, 250L and below, ≤52dB(A); 250L above ≤55dB(A)
Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting Test method of refrigeration performance
(1) 4 or 6 freezers can be tested simultaneously at the test room. The
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