Freezer noise mainly comes from the compressor. The Compressor
generates various sounds. There are continuous and not continuous,
periodic and not periodic. Their frequencies may be from tens of Hertz to
thousands of Hertz. Reasons for compressor noise are:
(1) There are two pieces thin elastic steel slice inside the compressor (gas
in valve and gas out valve), when the freezer starts, each steel slice will
open and close about 47 times per second, this will cause vibration
sound. At the same time, the open and close of steel slice will contacts
other parts and also make sound. The continuous buzz we heard is this
kind of sound.
(2) When compressor is produced, there must be clearance between
components. When freezer is running, the existing of clearance will make
some components touch and gives out sound. Especially, at starting and
stopping, the forces acted on compressor components changes greatly
and bigger sound will be generated.
(3) Noise of flowing liquid
The running process of compressor is a continuous gas in and out
If the pressure of refrigerant gas breathed in or exhausted out changes
suddenly, vibration sound will be generated.
Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting
(4) Resonance sound of compressor components
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