tetra chloromethane or alcohol to clean it. If the leakage occurs in
the inner of compressor, it needs to be changed.
(3) Leakage of temperature controller: because of too long a
period of service or too high temperature, or too much dirt, or too
high humidity, there may be electricity leakage. If it has been
defined that there is leakage of temperature controller, please
(4) Leakage of starting relay: during mounting and repairing,
screw of relay lead is easy to contact the shell and leakage will
then occur. If you suspect the relay is bad, check it. If there is
leakage, please make the connections again and leave a piece of
insulation paper under the screw.
(5) Leakage of fan: because of too high humidity of freezer
environment or a bad fan controlling unit, the fan is burned after
long time operation and thus causes leakage. Using voltammeter
to measure the insulation resistance between each respective
connection terminal and the freezer body, if the resistance is too
little, means there is leakage caused by humidity; if the resistance
Is zero, means the fan coil is burned or short-circuited. Please
change the fan.
Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting
12.1.3 Troubleshooting observation
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