
This chapter summarizes the most common problems you may
encounter with your Steam Sweeper and Floor Sanitizer. Please read
the different sections for more details.
Before calling our Customer Care line, please check these first:
• IstheSweeperCollectionBinfull?
• Isthereanythingcloggingtherevolvingbrushopening?
• Isthebrushturningfreelyoraretherehair,stringorrugbers
If you are unable to solve the problem, please contact our Customer
Care Representatives at the number shown at the bottom of the page.
does not operate.
Possible Cause:
1) Power cord not firmly plugged into outlet.
2) No power in wall outlet.
Possible Solution:
1) Check plug in outlet and set plug firmly.
2) Check fuse or breaker. Replace fuse, and/or
reset breaker.
does not emit steam.
Possible Cause:
1) No water in Water Tank.
Possible Solution:
1) Add water to the water tank by following the
instructions on pg 9.
PROBLEM: RED light comes on and/or unit shuts off shortly after
the water in the tank is heated.
Possible Cause:
1) Your thermostat may not have been pre-boiled to
trigger proper thermostat levels.
Possible Solution:
1) Shut the unit off, remove the plug from the
electrical outlet, and empty the tank completely.
After the unit has cooled down, refill the tank with
cold water, using a little less than indicated by the
line on the fill cup. Be careful not to overfill the
tank. Plug the unit back into the wall receptacle,
and press the grey ‘STEAM’ button to start sanitizing.
pg 24 877-HAAN DIRECT / 877-422-6347 www.HAANUSA.com