www.HAANUSA.com 877-HAAN DIRECT / 877-422-6347 pg 21
Questions & Answers (cont)
QUESTION: How long does a full tank of water last?
Duo™ uses one fill cup (fill cup included wih
purchase) of simple tap water, providing 20 minutes of
germ-killing steam.
QUESTION: Does the Duo
require any cleaning agents?
The Duo™ operates with just simple tap water, heating it
to 212°F to kill up to 99.9% of E.coli, Salmonella and other
common hpusehold germs including dust mites and allergens –
naturally, without the need for cleaning agents or chemicals.
QUESTION: Why does the unit stop steaming when the
RED refill light comes on?
When the red refill light comes on, this indicates the unit is
out of water. The HAAN
Duo™ automatically shuts off as a
safety feature.
QUESTION: When I first used my HAAN
, the pads
left water streaks on my floor – why?
It is likely you attached your Ultra-Microfiber Pad to the
bottom of the Duo™ before the unit was fully heated, causing
the pad to become wet. It is best to heat the unit on the
black Floor Protector Resting Mat (‘bumpy’ side facing up)
before placing the Ultra-Microfiber Pad on the steam head.
Attach the Ultra-Microfiber Pad only after the Thermal
Indicator turns ORANGE. Simply toss the Ultra-Microfiber
Pad on the floor (with the white hook & loop side facing up)
and set the base of the unit on top of it. The hook & loop system
will cause the Ultra-Microfiber Pad to attach itself easily.
QUESTION: How often do I have to buy new Ultra-
Microfiber Pads?
The two patented Ultra-Microfiber Pads included with your
Duo™ are reusable. You simply toss them in the
washing machine – but please DON’T use fabric softener.
We recommend air drying the pads, but you may also dry
them on a low heat setting in your dryer. Each pad will last
through many washes.
Replacement pads are available for purchase on our Website