Questions & Answers (cont)
pg 22 877-HAAN DIRECT / 877-422-6347 www.HAANUSA.com
QUESTION: What is the big difference between the
and other floor cleaners?
Duo™ uses only water to clean and sanitize hori-
zontal surfaces. No harsh detergents or chemicals are need-
ed. By emitting steam at 212°F, the Duo™ kills up to 99.9%
E.coli, Salmonella and other common household germs and
allergens, including dust mites, – all in one second!
QUESTION: I don’t see much steam coming out of the
– why not?
Actually, you shouldn’t be able to see that much steam coming
out of the Duo™. The truth is that the more steam you see
when in use, the less effective a steam sanitizer is, because
the steam should be physically directed to cleaning your
floors and not escaping through other parts of the steamer.
is leaving my floor wet. Why, and
what can I do about it?
The pad should not be placed on the Pad Tray while heating
up on the Floor Protector Resting Mat. This will cause it
to become saturated prematurely. Heat the unit on the mat
without the pad. Once the Thermal Indicator has changed to
ORANGE, indicating it is ready to use — place a dry Ultra-
Microfiber Pad on the floor, hook & loop side up, and press
the unit onto the pad.
Another reason could be that the Ultra-Microfiber Pad may
needs to be changed. For optimal performance, the pad
should be changed after approximtely ten (10) minutes of use.
QUESTION: How long can I use an Ultra-Microfiber Pad
before it needs to be changed?
The pad should be changed approximately every ten (10)
minutes or when it becomes saturated with water. The
machine will become harder to push smoothly across the
floor when the pad is saturated.
QUESTION: Sometimes my Duo
becomes hard to
push – why?
If the unit is hard to push, it is likely because the Ultra-
Microfiber Pad is too wet or the angle at which you are
holding the machine is too high. The lower the handle, the
easier the Duo
is to push across the floor, and if doing this
does not help, try replacing the pad with a dry one.