from the disk in an existing file at the end of its data. When
you enter the S-CHORD, L command the data will go into
whatever file is presently open. When you enter S-CHORD the
notetaker will say, “storage.” You can then enter any storage
command you want. Entering L for load will cause the
notetaker to say, "enter file name." Now enter the name of the
file you want to load into the notetaker and press E-CHORD
(ENTER). The disk drive will now read the directory on the
diskette and try to locate the file name you entered. If it finds
the file on diskette, it will append the data to whatever file is
currently open on the notetaker. This allows you to combine
files together. It also keeps you from writing over the top of a
file already in the notetaker. If the file doesn't exist on the
diskette, the notetaker speaks the message "file doesn’t exist."
Simply try another filename or check the directory of the
diskette with the S-CHORD, D.
If the file is on the diskette, it is sent to the notetaker.
However, if there isn't enough room in the open notetaker file,
the notetaker instructs the disk drive to stop reading and says
"file is full." At this point, the disk drive will wait for further
instructions (see S-CHORD, R). The notetaker will have part
of the file in memory. You can read the rest of the file by first
making enough room in the notetaker and then telling the disk
drive to resume (S-CHORD, R).
Saving Files
To save a file on a diskette, open the file and press S-
CHORD, S. The notetaker asks, "enter file name." At this
prompt, type the name of the file. File names should be limited
to 12 characters, i.e., 8 characters, period, and 3 characters.
After typing the file name, press E-CHORD. The file will be
stored just as it exists in the notetaker. For example, if it is a
Grade 2 Braille file on the notetaker, it will be transferred to
the diskette as a Grade 2 Braille file. If you intend to read a
6 Part # 440057-001 Rev. A