• Preheat oven to 150C/300F/M2
• Put the sugar in a measuring (or
similar shaped) jug for easy
• Follow instructions for Whisking
Egg Whites, page 12. Before you
begin to whisk the whites, add the
cream of tartar, lemon juice and
• When the whites are foamy and
bubbly, add half the sugar,
pouring in a steady stream but not
taking too long, while continuing
to whisk to firm peak stage.
Gradually fold in the rest of the
sugar with a spatula
• Using two spoons, drop the mix in
small, equal sized balls onto the
baking sheets
• Dip your finger in cold water and
smooth down any little tails which
might otherwise darken in the
• Bake for 15 minutes on a low
shelf. Before the meringues colour,
open the oven door and turn off
the heat
• After 10 minutes, shut the door,
turn the oven on to
50C/150F/LOW to dry them out
for an hour. Turn off and leave in
the oven for 3-4 hours
• Peel meringues off the paper. If
they are stuck rub them gently
beneath the paper with a damp
cloth – this will release them
• Store in an airtight tin, where they
will keep for months
Snowy white and crisp, meringues
are always popular at tea time or in
a large variety of desserts. Sandwich
small ones together with whipped
double cream, or Brandy Cream
(see recipe page 19) or crush and
fold in some whipped cream, place in
glasses, top with berries, or a fruit
fool, and trickle a fruit sauce over the
66 eegggg wwhhiitteess
aa ppiinncchh ooff ccrreeaamm ooff ttaarrttaarr oorr aa ffeeww
ddrrooppss ooff lleemmoonn jjuuiiccee
aa ppiinncchh ooff ssaalltt
600gg ((1122oozz)) ccaasstteerr ssuuggaarr,, ssiifftteedd
YYoouu wwiillll nneeeedd ttwwoo ssmmaallll bbaakkiinngg
ttrraayyss lliinneedd wwiitthh bbaakkiinngg