HOT CAULIFLOWER CHEESE SOUFFLE (makes 8 small or 4 large servings)
• You will need 4 large 13cm
(5 inch) diameter ramekin dishes,
or 8 small ones, and a large baking
sheet to put them on
• Preheat oven to 200C/400F/M6.
Make sure that you have a rack
placed near to the top of the oven
• Put the baking sheet in the oven
to heat. Cook the florets in boiling
salted water, drain and dry. With
half the butter, grease the
ramekins and divide the florets
among them
Melt the remaining butter in a
small pan over a gentle heat, then
add the cheese. When melted, stir
in the milk and mustard.
Remove from heat and stir in the
egg yolks, together with plenty of
salt and pepper
• Using the balloon whisk, whisk the
egg whites with a pinch of salt,
until stiff (see Whisking Egg
Whites, page 12).
• Fold into the cheese mixture and
spoon over the cauliflower florets.
• Place the ramekins on the
preheated baking sheet, return to
the oven and cook until the
soufflés are risen and golden,
about 10-12 minutes
• Serve immediately
These are deceptively easy to make,
Tasty and reliable.
330000gg ((1111oozz)) ccaauulliifflloowweerr,, ccuutt iinnttoo
lliittttllee fflloorreettss
4400gg ((11½½ oozz)) bbuutttteerr
222255gg ((88oozz)) ggrraatteedd CChheeddd
oorr GGrruuyyeerree cchheeeessee
((aafftteerr rreemmoovviinngg rriinndd))
44 ttsspp mmiillkk
11 lleevveell ttbbsspp EEnngglliisshh mmuussttaarrdd
((mmaaddee uupp))
22 ssmmaalll
l eeggggss,, sseeppaarraatteedd
SSaalltt aanndd ffrreesshhllyy mmiilllleedd ppeeppppeerr