• Dissolve the sugar and yeast in a
jug with the water, and add to the
flour. Using the dough hooks, mix
for a minute at medium speed.
Add the olive oil, and mix for
another minute on slow speed,
increasing to full speed until all is
combined and you have a smooth
dough. If it appears too dry,
sprinkle over a few drops of water,
and work this into the mixture
until smooth again
• Form dough into a ball, place in a
medium sized oiled bowl, cover
with clingfilm, and wait it has risen
and doubled in size. This should
take 20 – 30 minutes. Remove
from bowl and squeeze the dough
• Preheat the oven to
• Chop the dough into pieces, each
weighing about 50g (2oz), and
roll them into tight little balls.
Place on a non-stick baking tray
covered with a plastic sheet and
leave for about 40 minutes, in a
draught-free place, until doubled
in size
• Dredge generously with flour and
bake for 10 minutes
• Hamburger buns can be made by
gently rolling out the little balls
with a rolling pin. Paint the top of
each bun with water, dip into a
tray of sesame seeds, and stand
upright again. Proceed as above,
but no flour dredging is required
Making your own bread rolls is truly
impressive, and fills the house with a
welcoming aroma.
The dough hooks make light work of
228800gg ((1100½½oozz)) ssttrroonngg fflloouurr
11 lleevveell ttsspp ssaalltt
11 lleevveell ttsspp ccaasstteerr ssuuggaarr
22 lleevveell ttsspp ddrriieedd y
yeeaasstt ggrraannuulleess
116600mmll ((55½½ffll oozz)) wwaarrmm wwaatteerr
22 ttbbsspp oolliivvee ooiill
eexxttrraa ooiill aanndd fflloouurr
sseessaammee sseeeeddss ((ooppttiioon
• Always make breads in a warm
kitchen using warm utensils to
help the yeast to activate. Sift the
flour and salt into a medium sized