Fast Ethernet Switching System User’s Guide
Managing the DES-5200
Create New User
The Create New User panel, displayed in Figure 35, enables you to add new
users. You can have a total of three users on the DES-5200.
Figure 35: Create New User
User Name
Enter the user’s name in this field. User names are case sensitive. You can enter a
maximum of eight characters.
Enter the user’s password in this field. Passwords are case sensitive. You can
enter a maximum of eight characters in this field.
Confirm Password
Reenter the user’s password to confirm it in this field.
Access Level
There are two access levels available on the DES-5200: Super User and General
User. Super Users have administrative rights on the DES-5200. They can add and
delete users, change the configuration of the DES-5200 and perform all
management functions.
General Users have read only access to the DES-5200. They can look at the
panels but they cannot make any changes to existing settings or configurations.