Fast Ethernet Switching System User’s Guide
Web Management
The switch with the lowest Bridge Identifier is the Root Bridge. It is best to make
the Root Bridge the best switch on the network to ensure the best network
performance and reliability.
Root Bridge
Specifies the MAC address of the Root Bridge. The DES-5200 may or may not be
the root bridge. The DES-5200 is the default root bridge.
Root Port
Specifies the preferred path to the Root Bridge. Only one path per bridge can
exist. The default setting is none.
Table 13: User Selective STA Parameters
STA Parameters Settings Effects Comment
Enable/Disable Enable/Disable Participate in or
remove from STA
Enable in a
SNMP network
Bridge Priority Lower the #,
higher the priority
Increases chance
of becoming the
Root Bridge
Avoid, if the
switch is used in
workgroup level
of a large network
Hello Time 1 – 10 seconds No effect, if not
Root Bridge
Never set greater
than Max Age
Max Age Time 6 – 40 seconds Compete for Root
Bridge, if BPDU is
not received
Avoid low
number for
unnecessary reset
of Root Bridge
Forward Delay
4 – 30 seconds High # delays the
change in state
2 x (Forward
Delay minus 1
second) > Max
Age, 2 x (Hello
Time plus 1
second) < Max
Port Level STA parameters
Enable/ Disable Enable/ disable Enable or disable
LAN segment
Disable a port for
security or
problem isolation
Port Priority Lower the #,
higher the priority
Increases chance
of becoming the
Root Port
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