Fast Ethernet Switching System User’s Guide
for them to communicate. Check the speed and duplex
setting on both the port and device you are connecting to.
Power LED is Off Check the three pronged power plug and verify that you are
getting power from the wall socket. Return the DES-5200 if
the unit is on and the power LED is not working properly.
If the DES-5200 is not powering on while the power cord is
plugged into the wall socket, the power supply is not
working. Return the unit.
All LEDs Are Off Check the power plug and verify that the DES-5200 is
receiving adequate power. Log in to the DES-5200 using
Local Console Management, see Chapter 5, Console
Management, for instructions.
Power the DES-5200 off and then power it on again. Use
the monitor to check the error messages. Return the DES-
5200 to D-Link for service if the problem persists.
Forget Password If you forget your password, contact D-Link Technical
Support at (949) 788-0805 for assistance or check our web
site at www.dlink.com.