DGS-3224TGR Gigabit Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Select Ethernet to instruct the Switch to examine the layer 2 part of each packet
Select IP to instruct the Switch to examine the IP address in each frame's header.
This field will instruct the Switch to mask the packet header beginning with the offset
value specified:
value (0-15) - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from the beginning of
the packet to the 15th byte.
value (16-31) – Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 16 to byte
value (32-47) – Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 32 to byte
value (48-63) – Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 48 to byte
value (64-79) – Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from byte 64 to byte
Port The user may set the Access Profile Mask Setting window on a per-port basis by
entering a port number in this field. The port list is specified by listing the beginning
port number on that switch and the highest port number of the range. The beginning
and end of the port list range are separated by a dash. For example, 3-8 specifies all
of the ports between port 3 and port 8 − in numerical order. Entering all will denote all
ports on the Switch.
To establish the rule for a previously created Access Profile Mask:
Select the Access Profile from the Access Profile Mask Setting window and click the Edit Rule button.
Figure 6- 62. Access Profile Rule Setting (Ethernet) window