DGS-3224TGR Gigabit Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Figure 6- 5. second Port Configurations window
Select the port(s) you want to configure by using the drop-down menus in the Port and Configure Ports from __ to fields.
Follow these steps:
1. Enable or disable the port. If you choose Disabled in the State field, devices connected to that port cannot use the
switch, and the switch purges their addresses from its address table after the MAC address aging time elapses.
2. Configure the Speed/Duplex setting for the twenty 10/100/1000 ports. Select Auto to allow the port to select the best
transmission speed, duplex mode, and flow control settings based on the capabilities of the device at the other end.
The other selections allow you to force the port to operate in the specified manner. Select 1000M/Full for port
operation at 1000 Mbps and full duplex. Select 100M/Half for port operation at 100 Mbps and half duplex Select
100M/Full for port operation at 100 Mbps and full duplex. Select 100M/Half for port operation at 100 Mbps and half
duplex. Select 10M/Full for port operation at 10 Mbps and full duplex. Select 10M/Half for port operation at 10 Mbps
and half duplex. For 1000BASE-T ports, if 1000M/Full_M is selected on one end of the link pair, then 1000M/Full_S
must be selected on the other end of your D-Link switch, and vice versa. For 1000M connections to switches that do
not possess master/slave capability, the port speed must be set to 1000/Full. Any other configuration will result in a
link down status for both ports. The four mini-GBIC ports are 1000M/Full only.
3. Configure the Flow Control setting for the port. Selecting Enabled in full-duplex mode will implement IEEE 802.3x
flow control. Select Disabled for no flow control. Also, if the port is set for Auto (NWay) in the speed/duplex field
above and flow control is enabled, flow control (whether full- or half-duplex) will only be implemented if the other
device can auto-negotiate flow control.
4. Enable or disable Address Learning.
5. Click Apply to let your changes take effect.
CAUTION: For 1000BASE-T ports, the master and slave parameters refer to connections
running a 1000BASE-T cable for connection between the switch port and another device
capable of a gigabit connection. If one connection is set for 1000 master, the other side of the
connection must be set for 1000 slave, for devices with master/slave capability. For connection
to a device without this capability, the port speed must be set to 1000/full on the switch
connected to the DGS-3224TGR. Any other configuration will result in a link down status for both