DGS-3224TGR Gigabit Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
The switch allows the creation of up to 32 link aggregation groups, each group consisting of up of up to eight links (ports).
The four mini-GBIC ports can only belong to a single link aggregation group. A link aggregation group may not cross an
eight-port boundary, starting with port 1 (a group may not contain ports 8 and 9, for example) and all of the ports in the
group must be members of the same VLAN. Further, the aggregated links must all be of the same speed and should be
configured as full duplex.
Each port in an aggregation group can be configured as the Master Port of the group, and all configuration options,
including the VLAN configuration that can be applied to the Master Port, are applied to the entire link aggregation group
(except mirror, 802.1p, and traffic segmentation, which can be configured to individual ports).
Load balancing is automatically applied to the ports in the aggregated group, and a link failure within the group causes the
network traffic to be directed to the remaining links in the group.
The Spanning Tree Protocol will treat a link aggregation group as a single link, on the switch level. On the port level, the
STP will use the port parameters of the Master Port in the calculation of port cost and in determining the state of the link
aggregation group. If two redundant link aggregation groups are configured on the switch, STP will block one entire group
– in the same way STP will block a single port that has a redundant link.
Figure 6- 80. Link Aggregation Group window
Click New to create a new link aggregation:
Figure 6- 81. Link Aggregation Group – Add window
The same window is also used to edit an existing link aggregation.
The following fields can be set:
Parameter Description
Group ID
Allows the entry of a number used to identify the link aggregation group − when adding
a new group. Displays the Group ID of the currently selected link aggregation group −
when editing and existing entry.