xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
the port number and the MAC address of the computer being authorized and are then
subject to any authorization parameters configured.
Auth Protocol The 802.1x authentication protocol on the Switch is set to RADIUS Eap and cannot be
Jumbo Frame
This field will enable or disable the Jumbo Frame function on the Switch. The default is
Disabled. When enabled, jumbo frames (frames larger than the standard Ethernet frame size
of 1518 bytes) of up to 9K (and 9220 bytes tagged) can be transmitted by the Switch.
Syslog State
Enables or disables Syslog State; default is Disabled.
DVMRP State The user may globally enable or disable the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
(DVMRP) function by using the pull down menu.
PIM State The user may globally enable or disable the Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) function
by using the pull down menu.
RIP State The user may globally enable or disable the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) function by
using the pull down menu.
OSPF State The user may globally enable or disable the Open Shortest Path first (OSPF) function by
using the pull down menu.
ARP Aging Time (0-
The user may globally set the maximum amount of time, in minutes, that an Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) entry can remain in the Switch’s ARP table, without being
accessed, before it is dropped from the table. The value may be set in the range of 0-65535
minutes with a default setting of 20 minutes.
CPU Interface
The user may globally enable or disable the CPU Interface Filtering function by using the pull
down menu.
Click Apply to implement changes made.
IP Address
The IP Address may initially be set using the console interface prior to connecting to it through the Ethernet. If the Switch IP
address has not yet been changed, read the introduction of the xStack DES-3800 Series CLI Manual or return to Section 4 of this
manual for more information. To change IP settings using the web manager you must access the IP Address menu located in the
Administration folder.
To configure the Switch's IP address:
The web manager will display the Switch's current IP settings in the IP configuration menu, as seen below. To view this window
click, Administration > IP Address.
Figure 6- 2. IP Address Settings window
To manually assign the Switch's IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway address:
1. Select Manual from the Get IP From drop-down menu.
2. Enter the appropriate IP Address and Subnet Mask.