xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
Configure each IP interface individually using the OSPF Interface Settings - Edit menu. Click the Apply button when you have
entered the settings. The new configuration appears listed in the OSPF Interface Settings table. To return to the OSPF Interface
Settings table, click the Show All OSPF Interface Entries
OSPF interface settings are described below. Some OSPF interface settings require previously configured OSPF settings. Read the
descriptions below for details.
Parameter Description
Interface Name
Displays the name of an IP interface previously configured on the Switch.
Area ID
Allows the entry of an OSPF Area ID configured above.
Router Priority (0-
Allows the entry of a number between 0 and 255 representing the OSPF priority of the
selected area. If a Router Priority of 0 is selected, the Switch cannot be elected as the
Designated Router for the network.
Hello Interval (1-
Allows the specification of the interval between the transmissions of OSPF Hello packets, in
seconds. Between 1 and 65535 seconds can be specified. The Hello Interval, Dead
Interval, Authorization Type, and Authorization Key should be the same for all routers on
the same network.
Dead Interval (1-
Allows the specification of the length of time between the receipt of Hello packets from a
neighbor router before the selected area declares that router down. An interval between 1
and 65535 seconds can be specified. The Dead Interval must be evenly divisible by the
Hello Interval.
Allows the OSPF interface to be disabled for the selected area without changing the
configuration for that area.
Auth Type
This field can be toggled between None, Simple, and MD5 using the space bar. This allows
a choice of authorization schemes for OSPF packets that may be exchanged over the OSPF
routing domain.
• None specifies no authorization.
• Simple uses a simple password to determine if the packets are from an authorized
OSPF router. When Simple is selected, the Auth Key field allows the entry of an 8-
character password that must be the same as a password configured on a neighbor
OSPF router.
• MD5 uses a cryptographic key entered in the MD5 Key Table Configuration menu.
When MD5 is selected, the Auth Key ID field allows the specification of the Key ID
as defined in the MD5 configuration above. This must be the same MD5 Key as
used by the neighboring router.
Password/Auth. Key
Enter a Key ID of up to 5 characters to set the Auth. Key ID for either the Simple Auth Type
or the MD5 Auth Type, as specified in the previous parameter.
Metric (1-65535)
This field allows the entry of a number between 1 and 65,535 that is representative of the
OSPF cost of reaching the selected OSPF interface. The default metric is 1.
DR State
A read only field describing the Designated Router state of the IP interface. This field may be
read DR if the interface is the designated router, or Backup DR if the interface is the Backup
Designated Router. The highest IP address will be the Designated Router and is determined
by the OSPF Hello Protocol of the Switch.
DR Address
The IP address of the aforementioned Designated Router.
Backup DR Address
The IP address of the aforementioned Backup Designated Router.
Transmit Delay
A read only field that denotes the estimated time to transmit a Link State Update Packet over
this interface, in seconds.